VitaFlex 5000g


Highly absorbable set of vitamins, minerals, and chondroprotective substances

248 points in the loyalty program

VitaFlex - vitamins and minerals and musculoskeletal system prophylaxis for horses

Highly absorbable set of vitamins, minerals and chondropro-phylactic substances, dedicated to supplement the diet of active horses in sports training. The addition of glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM supports the proper working of the locomotor system. Recommended for supplementing diets lacking in macro and microelements, which are essential for natural physiological processes to occur properly, influencing physical condition improvement and organism revitalization. The addition of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM positively affects the musculoskeletal system, nourishing the joints and improving the properties of synovial fluid.

VitaFlex is particularly recommended for horses that are subjected to increased physical activity, have a diet lacking access to rich pasture, and whose musculoskeletal system requires nourishment and protection

 Recommended in case of:

  • limited access to pasture
  • a diet mainly based on oats and hay
  • musculoskeletal system requiring nourishment
  • increased workload (training, competition, breeding)
  • weakened organism (illness, stress, change of stable, transitional period (autumn - winter, winter - spring))

Data sheet

Calcium carbonate, monocalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, glucosamine sulfate, sodium carbonate, MSM, chondroitin sulfate, premix of vitamins and microelements as well as biologically active compounds, yeast, Beta-glucans
Składniki analityczne/100g:
Białko 3,8% Włókno surowe poniżej 0,2% Popiół całkowity 71,44% Tłuszcz 0,2% Wilgotność 7,2% Wapń18,5% Fosfor 4,9% Sód 7,5% Magnez 1,5% Lizyna 0,5% Metionina 0,3% Treonina0,3%
Dodatki paszowe 1000g:
WitA 416000 j.m., WitD3 83200 j.m., WitE 2496 mg, WitC 832 mg, WitB1 416 mg, WitB2 62,4 mg, WitB6 41,6 mg, WitB12 0,42 mg, WitK3 41,6 mg, Niacyna 332,8 mg, Biotyna 14,14 mg, Kwas foliowy 5 mg, Chlorek choliny 6988,8 mg
Dodatki paszowe 1000g:
Żelazo 3328 mg, Chelat cynku 4160 mg, Mangan 3328 mg, Chelat miedzi 449,3 mg, Jod 83,2 mg, Kobalt 16,64 mg, Selen 24,96 mg, Przeciwutleniacz, Naturalny aromat

Specific References


Horses (500 kg b.w.): 5 scoops

Ponies: 4 scoops

Horses in intensive training: 6 scoops

Pregnant mares or lactating: 7 scoops

Method of administration: mix with concentrated feed

One scoop in the packaging. One scoop contains approximately 12 g of the product.




Serdecznie polecam!

Suplement jest świetny! Dostarcza niezbędne witaminy i minerały, a przy okazji chroni aparat ruchu. Mojej kobyłce zaczynały strzykać stawy w tylnich nogach, ale od kiedy je Vitaflex, problem znikł :D

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.



stosowany u 3 koni u nas w stajni, zniknął problem strzykających stawów, bardzo wydajne opakowanie, bardzo polecam szczególnie u koni u których dieta oparta jest szczególnie o owies.

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VitaFlex 5000g

Highly absorbable set of vitamins, minerals, and chondroprotective substances

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VitaFlex 5000g
